Prisoncology will cover virtually every aspect of life behind bars. There cannot be any sugar-coating of what lies before you. Knowing how to navigate life on the inside is just too important to leave to chance but having that very knowledge will make things a bit easier. Additionally, you will learn the “lingo” spoken inside as well as“prison etiquette” – a very essential bit of knowledge.
Worry usually is the result of not knowing an outcome - “What will happen to me?” Will I be safe?” “Will my family be okay?” and minimizing worry can be accomplished through education.
The purpose of this course is to provide you and your family a degree of peace of mind and knowing what lies ahead will accomplish this. Going into prison is very much like going to a foreign country you do not know the customs, the people, or the language.
"Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache,
carries with it the seed of an equivalent
or greater benefit."
Napoleon Hill
Prisoncology is the resource center for those who are about to enter the United States Bureau of Prisons. It is an exceptional preparatory for gaining knowledge of and about the experience of life behind bars.
More importantly, it is a confederation of wisdom and direct participation-both personally gleaned-that can provide you the highest degree of peace of mind possible in this most trying of circumstances.
Having been incarcerated in both a Low Facility and a Prison Camp Guy is able to provide a unique perspective on prison life both “behind the fence” and at an unsecured compound. From the moment of arrival at the facility to eventual release and every step between, this course will encompass virtually every aspect of the prison experience.
What we will NOT do is give you false hopes or mislead you in any way. Over the years Guy would hear stories from various inmates who utilized the services of Prison Consultants. Usually, these services are offered for many thousands of dollars to assist and direct the placement of an incoming inmate to a specific BOP facility.